Team Beachbody Opportunity

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I'm Back

Obviously, I took some time off of the blog. Blogging has been a hard concept for me to keep up with. I've still been getting my workouts in approx 5 days a week. I mix up Turbo Jam videos with Power 90 ones. I've been eating fairly well. My weight loss is around 16lbs, but I can definately tell my body is shifting. You can see my pictures at and click on "my profile". See what you think, I definately see less back fat! ;)

My husband and I just ordered P90X! I'm very excited to start the X after seeing and hearing all the great success stories about it! It was awesome to get it at such a discount just for being a Team Beachbody Coach! If you're interested in getting it and other Beachbody products at a discount, send me an email.

We will absoletely start over and take before and after pictures for this program also! Still drinking SHAKEOLOGy
daily! I cannot praise this drink enough. I have so much more energy, my skin feels great, I'm not tired like I used to be after long days in the OR!

I'll try to check in a few times a week here now! Plan on probably starting P90X on the first of June!

Thanks for reading
Shawna Barnett
Independent Team Beachbody Coach

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thursday- I slept great last night, I think 8.5 hours! Got up in the am, got the kids off to school and came home. Finished Sculpt 1/2 with 10lb weights for everything except shoulder flys and tricep kick backs which I used 8lb weights, I also held 8lb ones for the lunges and squats. After that I did Turbo Jam 20min workout which I love for some quick cardio!! Its a great workout and reminds me of when I used to do Turbo Kick at the YMCA. I truly loved going to the gym classes but can never find the time now. Had choc Shakeology for breakfast, a big Salad and some cottage cheese for lunch, stuck in the OR from 300-815 (was supposed to be out at 7), stopped to see a friend in the hospital and then drove through Jimmy Johns for dinner, had a soda also :(

Friday~ a very emotional day for me, not feeling well, didn't eat much due to that. bkfst was choc mint Shakeology, lunch cottage cheese and two clementines, snack was a piece of cheese, also had another soda (need to give it up again!) dinner was a piece of pizza and one cupcake (my son's birthday sleepover). Skipped my workout as I wasn't feeling well.

Saturday~ So far, so good. Made choc chip pancakes for the kids, none for me. Haven't eaten anything yet, will have Shakeology in a moment, did my yesterday workout this am (Sweat 1/2) and pushed it hard. Getting ready to do my Sculpt 1/2 that is due today. May even throw another cardio in there later (TJ 20 min or Running on the TM). Gonna do a bit of bush pruning outdoors today, shop for tomorrow and groceries. First communion is today at 5pm! We have family coming over for grilling out after that. I'll try to eat well (Salad and grilled chix).

Tomorrow we have to be up early to travel to Des Moines tomorrow (1.7 hours) My new nieces baptism and then lunch at my brothers (my sister in law who just gave birth is a personal trainer and is on her 6th day of Insanity, so I think I should be able to eat healthy there), then to brother in laws house for my other new niece's baby shower. Busy, busy. I hope to be home by 6 and will get my workout in then!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Keeping it up

Ok, so today went well until about 30 mins ago. I did ok with water today, but going to have another bottle before bed.

Got up and did Power 90 Sweat & Ab Ripper 100. Headed to the hospital for clinical and to visit my friend Chris. After getting home I did Turbo Sculpt with 5lb weights. Man, how I hate lunges and squats! My body does feel like I worked out hard today!! BRING IT!!

I had a chocolate mint Shakeology for a late breakfast, lunch was some cottage cheese, a mandarin orange and some yogurt, afternoon snack was a strawberry banana protein shake, but... drum roll please... dinner was a grilled cheese sandwich. I stopped there, but I know it wasn't very good for me.

I did take 30 day pictures today. I see some changes, I'll let you all be the judge. LMK what you think.




Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Getting back in the Groove!

We had a wonderful Easter weekend, just hanging out at home with our immediate family. I finished my Anesthesia rotation in Des Moines on Friday and drove home. It is good to be home! Sunday morning the kids found all the Easter eggs that the Easter bunny had hidden in our home, plus opened their gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Martens. Then everyone got all dudded up
and we headed to late morning mass. Only one more week and my youngest daughter gets to go to communion with us! Her first communion is next week!

Traveling for school and Easter weekend threw me off my plan. I skipped workouts on Friday and Sunday, its time to get back at it! I gave up Pop for lent and should have ignored it Sunday too, but I didn't I had two pops on Sunday and one on Monday. None for me the rest of the week!! I didn't eat terrible, but didn't really stick to my meal plan either, how can you on Easter. I mad hamballs for the first time ever, they were very, very good. Thank you Christy Field for the recipe from the old CCU cookbook!

So, to revamp or revisit my plan! Eating clean: 1200 calories a day, three meals (one being Shakeology) two snacks, 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% fat. AND, 6 glasses of water a day, which is a biggie for me.Today I had Greenberry Shakeology) with OJ and strawberries blended for bkfst, a big leafy salad with asparagus, pine nuts and low fat cheese with a vinagrette dressing and brown rice for lunch, haven't gotten any further yet! Lookin good so far.

Going to make sure I do at least one cardio workout a day whether its Power 90, Turbo Jam, or running on my treadmill. Today I did Turbo Jam's 20min workout and plan on P90 Sweat when I get home. Every other day I'll do a circuit workout, probably P90 Sculpt or TJ Sculpt (one hits my arms more and the other hits my lower body more so I may alternate).

My goals for the week are to follow my meal and workout plan and to hopefully drop 2lbs!

OK, that's the plan. I'll try to post daily to see if I stick to it. I didn't lose much weight the last week (less than a lb) but my jeans are falling off me today! My body is changing, it is so exciting. I hope I can keep it up. I'd really like to get Jamey back on the healthy lifestyle bandwagon with me again! I love working out with him, we motivate each other!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Beginning to Blog

So, I've been quite a "techie" when it comes to computers and such, but have never gotten into the whole blogging thing. I have decided that starting a blog will help me to be accountable to my own fitness goals.

I gave up Pop for Lent and think I will continue to stay off the stuff. I'll post if I cheat! But it is just so unhealthy for you. I have actually enjoyed replacing it with water and my Shakeology!

I started another round of Power 90 on March 5th. I am on day 29 today and am down 12 lbs and 9 inches!! I have more to go, so am continuing on my journey and have added some Turbo Jam workouts to it, because I love them so much.

I'll post more soon, this is just my first crack at "blogging"